Smiling Sloth Embroidery Kit

$ 38.00

Smiling Sloth Embroidery Kit

$ 38.00
  • Availability: Out stock
No one can resist that smile! This super cute craft project makes a great gift for all of those crafty people in your life. Buyers can gift the kit or create the hoop art themselves to make a unique DIY handmade gift. This beginner kit is packaged in a clear reusable bag so customers can easily see the quality of the art supplies before purchase. The embroidery kit includes: * 11 skeins of DMC cotton embroidery floss * Cream cotton fabric, permanently stamped with the full color design * One 5 inch beechwood hand embroidery hoop * Hand embroidery needles * The color printed embroidery instructions  * A copy of the Beginner Guide The embroidery pattern includes a stitch and direction key, step-by-step instruction and a color photo of the finished embroidery art.

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